To prevent myself from losing my winnings back in one or two days, I did something else 2 weeks ago:
I "invested" in some meme tokens on Solana. Well, those degen things might just be another form of gambling.
Bought 3 random memes, $25 each.
One is immediately -100% game over (honeypot scam)
The other two being -90% and -99% respectively.
?I was not expecting to get something like 100x in return, but also didn't expect it in the other direction: 0.01x in return.
Lesson learned: Solana memes also have extreme volatilty, but for now it seems less fun than slots to me.
i mean in solona network usually there is meme tokens as i know and most of them is shit. So gamble is better option 😀?

@hxlohar I know it’s all relative, but at least it was only $75 rather than hundreds or thousands. Lots of those things seem like scams
with solana coins theres usually a lot of people botting so as soon as the token goes up a specific amount their bots just dump everything. you also wanna check the biggest holders of a token before you buy it

Only use trustworthy currencies, most of them like on Coinbase are more or less scams
I suggest before investing on crypto check the ongping trends before making an investment and its ineviatable to not make a loss its 50 /50